
2021 Digital Tour Competition

Inspired by the difficulties in visiting churches and other historic sites during the Coronavirus pandemic, The British Archaeological Association is looking at ways of promoting the use of digital technology to allow them to be seen even during a lockdown, or for those far distant. The Association hald a competition to produce a short video/photographic presentation of a Roman or medieval site (a building, ruin, even a town) using remote mapping and imaging systems such as Google Earth, or Google Earth Studio.

The Association would like the congratulate the winner Richard Nevell for his tour of .

Also highly-commended for their tours were:

  • Duncan Berryman,
  • Philip Hickman,
  • Megan Kirkpatrick and Jonathan Lim,
  • Azra Say-Otun,

Thanks to all who participated and congratulations to the winner and highly-commended entrants!