
Scholarships & Awards

Travel Grants

Applications for travel grants are invited from students registered on post-graduate degree courses (at M.A., M.Litt., M.St., M.Phil., and Ph.D. level). Grants of up to £500 are available to cover travel for a defined purpose (such as essential site visits, attendance at an exhibition/conference, short research trip, etc). The awards will be made twice yearly, with deadlines for applications on 15 March and 15 May.

Applicants are required to provide one reference, together with a timetable and travel budget, and the objective of the travel must fall within the Association’s fields of interest (as defined below). Applicants should either be registered at a UK University or be undertaking work on material from, in, or related to the art, architecture or archaeology of the British Isles. Applicants are also responsible for asking their nominated referee to forward a reference directly to the Hon. Secretary within one week of the closing date for applications.

An application form follows on the second page. Once complete, this should be sent as an email attachment to the Hon. Secretary on secretary@thebaa.org Funds are limited, so the awards are competitive. If successful, the Association expects candidates to write a short account (150-350 words) of the travel facilitated by the award that could be posted on the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡ website.

The Association’s interests are defined as the study of archaeology, art and architecture from the Roman period to the present day, principally within Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The core interests of the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡ are Roman to 16th century. We only entertain applications that cover the 17th to 21st centuries if they are of a historiographical, conservationist or antiquarian nature and link back to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡â€™s core interests.



Muriël de Kroon (2024)

Alfie Robinson (2021)

Millie Horton-Insch (2021)

Alex Elliott (2021)

Cathy Jamieson (2022)

Nikki Vellidis (2022)

Laura Feigen (2022)

Isabelle Ostertag (2022)

Teresa Martínez (2022)

Stephanie Drew (2023)

Huw Keene (2023)


Winners of the Travel Awards

Year Winner Title
2024 Muriël de Kroon Present at Pre-Christian Beliefs in Germanic Northern Europe Conference and research in Oslo museums
2023 Alice Anghi research on faunal remains at Oakington, Cambridgeshire
2023 Stephanie Drew research visit to the Netherlands to access the 10th-century herbal of Pseudo-Apuleius, MS10D7, at Het Huis Van Het Boek
2023 Huw Keene presentation of research at IMC Leeds and Society for Renaissance Studies Biennial Conference in Liverpool
2022 Cathy Jamieson ‘Animal Bodies, Sacred Space: Interpreting the 14th-century oak carvings at Winchester Cathedral choir through an Ecocritical Lens’ - for travel to present conference paper
2022 Nikki Vellidis field research trip to the island of Kos, Greece
2022 Laura Feigen research trip to see the Rothschild Pentateuch
2022 Teresa Martínez Masons’ Marks and the Construction of Social History in Medieval Zamora (11th -13th c.)
2021 Alfie Robinson Late Medieval architectural models – for travel to east Lincolnshire, Oxford and Arlingham (Gloucs)
2021 Kelli Anderson Romanesque architecture - for travel to Waltham Abbey, Romsey Abbey, Durham, Norwich and Lichfield cathedrals
2021 Megan Bunce Early medieval stone sculpture – for travel to Edinburgh, Tarbet, Elgin and Lerwick
2021 Alex Elliott Late Roman naval organisation – for travel to Saxon Shore forts at Portchester, Pevensey and Dover
2021 Nicholas Flory Female Carthusian patronage – for travel to Cartuja de Miraflores, Burgos
2021 Millie Horton-Insch Eleventh-Century Embroidery in England – for travel to Edinburgh and Orkney (St Magnus, Kirkwall)
2021 Cian Kinsella Ovid and Art: for travel to Rome (Galleria Borghese and Villa Farnesina)
2021 Scott McCreadie Viking stone sculpture – for travel and fieldwork in Shetland
2021 Teresa Porciani Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture – for travel to Lindisfarne, Norham, Bewcastle and Ruthwell
2021 Michela Young Vallombrosan monasticism – for travel to northern Tuscany (Florence and hinterland)
2020 Isabelle Ostertag Travel research to parish churches in East Anglia